How to reach us
Railway line Rome – Ancona connections are on hourly basis.
Click here to consult the Trenitalia timetables.
The trip from Rome lasts 2,30 h; from Ancona 50 minutes. To reach the convent from the railway station (900 meters) it takes 12 minutes (on foot), by bus 5 minutes (red line).
Click here to consult the map.
The nearest airport is Falconara (Ancona).
The airport is connected:
- by railway from CASTELFERRETTI STATION (go towards ROMA);
- by bus to FALCONARA RAILWAY STATION. From here, take the train towards FABRIANO.
Another possibility: arrive at the airport in Rome and take the train towards FABRIANO.
From Rome it takes 2h and 45ms (215 km).
Click here to consult the route from Rome.
From Ancona it takes about 1h (74Km).