Liturgical rhythm

Morning: 5,30
Lectio: 6,15
Lo: 7,15
Weekday mass: 8,00
Holiday mass: 8,30
Sext: 12,15
None: 15,00
Lectio: 17,00
Vespers: 18,00
Compline: 20,30

The participation is open to all to prayer.

Monastero San Luca



…when the signal is given and hasten to be before one another at the Work of God (RB 22,6)


For Benedict liturgical prayer is preeminent in the activities the monastic day.

It is a Community priority outlined emerges at times throughout the Rule and over which nothing should take precedence:

Nihil Operi Dei praeponatur (RB 43,3)

In the opus Dei celebration the community recognizes itself as the sign and reality of Ecclesia orans (IGLH 24).

O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare Your praise (Sal 9,1)

This trust in God that opens the event and the opus Dei, highlights the importance of the plan of grace: it is above all the work of God, even before that of man.


The climax of liturgical prayer is the celebration of the Eucharist.

The community liturgy is prepared by listening to the Word of God practiced in lectio divina. Listening to the Word is extended in silent prayer and opens to the intercession.

And let us be assured that it is not in saying a great deal that we shall be heard, but in purity of heart and in tears of compunction. Our prayer, therefore, ought to be short and pure, unless it happens to be prolonged by an inspiration of divine grace. (RB 20,3-4)
