Where we are
San Luca's convent is located in Fabriano (Ancona province), in via Aurelio Saffi 36 (street), in the district called "della pisana", which refers to Porta Pisana, a gate east of Fabriano which in ancient times led into this area.
In 1287 the Podestà Marzucco degli Scornigiani di Pisa opened it in the new walls.
The convent is located on the threshold of the historical town center of Fabriano, a small medieval villagerich in artistic, cultural and productive heritage that are its history.
The Diocesis is Fabriano-Matelica.
Its territory is located at 325 m on sea level, in a valley surrounded by the Apennines( Umbrian and Marches). Thanks to its position the settlement of resident communities has been encouraged since ancient times.
The environs of Fabriano are one of the most beautiful areas of the territory both from a natural and a historical point of view. In fact since the Middle Ages the local masters built castles, towers and forts to annex and control their territories. They were built according to the pre-existent buildings, natural conditions of the place and the road network.
The beauty and the landscape of its territory, encouraged the flourishing of building of abbeys, churches, frescos and works on wood set out uniformily throughout the territory and are today the place of its artistic-historical heritage. The first convents were built in the VI and VII centuries(Benedictine order); only in the XIV and XV centuries new orders arose such as Augustinians, Franciscans and Dominicans.